Thursday, April 16, 2015

Country #2 on the road trip

Today is the day Mr. Becomes a Mexican cat.
Señor meow, as he is now to be called.

We moved all of our things into the Mexican car and headed out.
Mr. Was quite anxious because in this car we had not built him a cubby.
We crossed the rio grand
It was smaller than I expected.
Then we pulled over in the declare lane for customs, we told the, we wanted to declare our cat, they searched our car and we were on our way.

Mr. Decided that riding on top of everything would suit him just fine, so this is where he spent the drive.

We were about half way home when the expressway backed up and we were stopped for a while. When we got going we saw they had been moving a paver onto the other side of the road for construction, then a little ways down the road we were directed to cross the median and drive on the other side of the expressway. 
When we saw this
This truck crossed the median and rolled over! I hope he was ok!

Finally we made it home, and Mr. Began to explore the house.
After a year of not being allowed up the stairs, he was unsure if it was ok, it took some convincing.

Then just as we were settling in, the wind picked up, really bad, I thought perhaps we were going to have a tornado, I was really worried, and Mr was freaking out (welcome to Mexico pal) 
I noticed the garbage cans rolling down the driveway so Josh and I went to go save them, and we saw the lounge chairs were going to blow away, and then it started to hail!
It hailed for about 20 minutes or so Nickle sized hail, and it was super hard with the winds, really severe winds!

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